Dolina miru (1956)
Po ameriškem bombardiranju slovenskega mesta med drugo svetovno vojno deček Marko in deklica Lotti, ki je nemškega rodu, ostaneta brez staršev. V sirotišnici začne mala Lotti pripovedovati dečku o dolini, o kateri ji je nekoč pravila babica in kjer vedno vlada mir. Odločena, da poiščeta to "dolino miru", otroka zbežita iz sirotišnice. Na poti srečata ameriškega pilota Jima. Čeprav so mu za petami nemški vojaki in partizani, se Jim junaško odloči, da ju bo prek sovražnega ozemlja pospremil do cilja.
Zgodnja klasika jugoslovanskega vojnega filma, ki je igralcu Johnu Kitzmillerju leta 1957 prinesla nagrado za najboljšo moško vlogo v Cannesu.
Valley of Peace (1956)
After the American bombing of a Slovenian town during World War II, the boy Marko and the young German girl Lotti lose their parents. In the orphanage, little Lotti tells the boy about a valley, of which her grandmother once told her, where there is always peace. Determined to find this "valley of peace," the children run away from the orphanage. On their way, they meet the American pilot Jim. Although German soldiers and partisans are at his heels, Jim heroically decides to accompany them through enemy territory.
An early classic of the Yugoslav war film, for which John Kitzmiller received the Cannes Best Actor Award in 1957.